Published Research

Walsh, M. M., Lyubykh, Z., & Arnold, K. A. (In Press). The reduction of passive leadership behaviours through leader mindfulness. Journal of Personnel Psychology.

Walsh, M. M., Carleton, E. L., Ziemer, J., & Ortynsky, M. (2023). The salience of remote leadership: Implications for follower self-control and work-life balance. International Journal of Manpower, 45(2).

Ortynsky, M., Walsh, M. M., Carleton, E. L,, & Ziemer, J. (2023). Leaders’ emotional labour and abusive supervision: The moderating role of mindfulness. Stress & Health, 40(2).

Walsh, M. M., Carleton, E. L., Hancock, A. J., & Arnold, K. A. (2022). Mindfulness and stereotype threat in social media: Unexpected effects for women’s leadership aspirations. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 37(4), 535-548.

Hancock, A., Gellatly, I., Walsh, M. M., Arnold, K. A., Connelly, C. E. (2021). Good, bad, and ugly leadership patterns: Implications for followers’ work-related and context-free outcomes. Journal of Management.

Kraichy, D. & Walsh, M. M. (2021). Hindering talented employees’ internal mobility: Managers’ territorial response to stress. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 37(1), 76-89.

Walsh, M. M. & Arnold, K. A. (2020). The bright and dark sides of employee mindfulness: Leadership style and employee well-being. Stress & Health, 36(3), 287-298.

Walsh, M. M. & Arnold, K. A. (2018). Mindfulness as a buffer of leaders’ self-rated behavioral responses to emotional exhaustion: A dual process model of self-regulation. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(2498), 1-15.

Arnold. K. A., Connelly, C. E., Gellatly, I. R., Walsh, M. M., & Withey, M. J. (2017). Using a pattern-oriented approach to study leaders: Implications for burnout and perceived role demand. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(7), 1038-1056.

Arnold, K. A., Loughlin, C., & Walsh, M. M. (2016). Transformational leadership in an extreme context: Examining gender, individual consideration and self-sacrifice. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 37(6), 774-788.

Arnold, K. A., & Walsh, M. M. (2015). Customer incivility and employee well-being: Testing the moderating effects of meaning, perspective taking and transformational leadership. Work & Stress, 29(4), 362-378.

Arnold, K. A., Connelly, C. E., Walsh, M. M., & Martin Ginis, K. A. (2015). Leadership styles, emotion regulation, and burnout. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 20(4), 481-490.

Walsh, M. M., Dupré, K., & Arnold, K. A. (2014). Processes through which transformational leaders affect employee psychological health. Zeitschrift fuer Personalforschung. German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management, 28(1-2), 162-172.